
Familiar Programming Language with Fully Reified, Immutable, and Homoiconic code/data.


The syntax and text of a Harth program should be familiar to most programmers.


Reified means that all levels of the programming language model (text, lexical/tokens, AST, Semantic Model, Project, Binaries) are processed and available at run-time as ordinary data.

The data where possible immutable (or near enough).


Immutable data gives greater flexibility for shared state, caching, checksum, versioning, undo.


Homoiconic means that the text, lexemes, tokens, AST, Semantic data, Project and binaries have the same shared written syntax (in human and/or binary) as any other language data and/or code.

Thus the distinction between code, data, and functionality blurs.

Text to Semantic Flow


Text is read from any stream of characters and internally represented by a Char*, an abstract sequence of zero or more Unicode characters.

Note that Char and Sequence<Lexeme> are immutable data structures.

Lexical Analysis

method Lexer/Read(text : Char*) -> Lexeme*

Method takes some text of type Char*; a sequence of Unicode characters of any valid Unicode value.

The method returns Lexeme*; that is zero or more Lexeme objects.

  • Tabs and spaces are usually only significant in determining lexeme boundaries.
  • C, C++ and shell script style comments:
    • C means /* block */ (allows proper nesting)
    • C++ means // line (for comment to end of line)
    • Shell script means #! is allowed (rest of line is special script comment).
  • Lexemes are any valid characters.
    • Escaping and UTF encodings as allowed by C, C++ and other languages:
    • Example \n means a literal newline, raw newlines in source are usually not significant.
    • Example \r means a literal carriage return, again these are ignored.
    • Internally any \n and/or \r pair or single character sequence is counted as “end of line”.
  • Lexemes are split into several categories:
    • BuiltinToken: Builtin to the language itself (eg. if, function, return, +, ===).
    • NameToken: Any other symbol formed of unrecognized alpha-numeric or symbol characters.
    • ReaderToken: A special token reader, (eg. "text" is implemented as a special reader function).
    • CommentTrivia: A comment span.
    • WhitespaceTrivia: Any other whitespace.
    • ErrorTrivia: Some synthetic error detected by the lexer (eg. EOF in unterminated string or comment).
  • Lexemes have known start, end, and character counts (in terms of Unicode characters).
  • These start/end points can be mapped to source code file, line and columns.
  • Note that Lexeme and Sequence<Lexeme> are immutable data structures.

Lexemes to Parse Tree

The Lexeme* is further processed by a recursive descent parser (eventually hand written).

method Parser/Read(lexemes : Lexeme*) -> NodeTree

Method takes some lexemes of type Lexeme*; a sequence of zero or more Lexeme.

The method returns a NodeTree which represents any valid or invalid AST tree of Node, essentially a view of the AST tree as a Homogeneous AST. This view and the underlyig data in immutable.

This means the source text, lexeme and AST syntax tree can be easily versioned, editted, undo using functional style immutable data structures (which are provided by Harth in the standard library).

Semantic Analysis of Parse Tree

method Semantic/Analyze(tree : NodeTree) -> SemanticModel

The tree input of type NodeTree is converted into a static SemanticModel instance; from the outside perspective this is immutable (it’s actually either “frozen” once completed and/or backed by immutable data such as the Lexeme* and NodeTree instances).

Semantic Analysis is useful fairly expensive, so caching these results might be useful both for the user of the library and the provider (which may share some cached/immutable data as is possible).

Again this state can be serialized and deserialized in human or binary forms.

Externally the SemanticModel allows the programmer (and thus all tools) to ask any semantic, syntactic, lexical, or textual question.

Typically the analysis phase is responsible for:

  • Checking the syntax tree is well formed.
  • Checking there are no lexical or parsing errors.
  • Determining resolution to name bindings from their definition(s) to any reference(s).
  • Maintaining identity relationships between components (binaries, libraries).
    • Each component contains fully resolved (to dependent components).
  • Maintaining (cached) name binding maps from def-ref lookups.
    • Useful for completion, documentation, searching, index etc.

Caching the SemanticModel with the equivalent previous levels allows for almost instant restarts; the models are all checksummed/hashed for fast comparison checks. Any tool would start by:

Startup and Caching Model

  • Look at text model (collection of Char* stored in files, memory, repositories etc).
  • If this matches existing Lexical and/or NodeTree and/or SemanticModel read these, ensuring they all match each other exactly.
  • If not matching, compute the updated versions and cache to disk as required.

This data is also immutable and can thus be safely shared between machines, processes, and/or threads over any connection type.

Essentially all tools wherever they are have the best chance of instantly reading all source code at the highest fidelity - using the least amount of work (at least this time). That is approaching “Read many, write once” levels.

Compiler, Script and REPL

The backend of the Compiler essentially looks like:

method Compiler/Eval(text : Char*) -> Anything

method Compiler/Load(files : Name*) -> SemanticModel

method Compiler/Compile(model : SemanticModel) -> Project
method Compiler/Link(project : Project) -> Executable
method Compiler/Run(exec : Executable) -> Anything

A Project is the fully reified and homoiconic representation of an executable program; by default it contains an immutable representation of all semantic information, code, binaries, libraries, debug information etc.

The method Eval is a short cut for:

  • Lexer/Read to Parser/Read to Semantic/Analyze to Compiler/Compile to Compiler/Link to Compiler/Run.
    • That is text arbitary text and try to execute it Just-In-Time (JIT).
    • Suitable for implementing a REPL and/or script.
    • Additional shared state (variables, scope, etc) allowed in an “environment”.

The method Load allows for a number of files to be loaded into a SemanticModel:

method Compiler/Load(files : Name*)
    let files = assume(IO/ReadFiles(args))
    let trees = map(files, _ => Parser/Read(Lexer/Read(_.SourceText)))
    let tree = NodeTree.CreateProjectWith(trees)
    return Semantic/Analyze(tree)

The methods Compile, Link and Run allow for finer control.


A compiler might look like this:

function main(args : String*)
    let model = Compiler/Load(files)
    let project = Compiler/Compile(model)
    let executable = Compiler/Link(project)
    match (executable)
    case Error: abort(_)
    case Anything: printf("Compilation success\n")

Script Interpreter

A script interpreter might look like this:

function main(args : String*)
    let model = Compiler/Load(files)
    let project = Compiler/Compile(model)
    let executable = Compiler/Link(project)
    let result = Compiler/Run(executable)
    match (result)
    case Int: return(_)
    case Error: abort(_)
    case Anything: printf("%O\n", result); exit(0)

Script Interpreter

A REPL interpreter might look like this:

function main(args : String*)
    let input = IO/Stdin
    while (!input.EOF)
        let text = input.ReadLine("Harth> ")
        let result = Compiler/Eval(text)
        match (result)
        case Error: _.PrintStackTrace()
        case Anything: printf("%O\n", result); exit(0)


The debugger essentially provides a few basic helpers on top of semantic name and source text resolution:

method Debugger/Location(functionName : Name) -> Location
method Debugger/Location(fileName : Name, line : Int, column : Int?) -> Location
method Debugger/Break(loc : Location) -> Breakpoint

The Breakpoint result can be modified for single shot, read/write, conditional etc.

Additionally the JIT and/or compiler can live insert any compiled expression (actually a parsed NodeTree) into code:

method Debugger/LiveEdit(loc : Location, code : NodeTree)

Since all internal data can be converted to human string with ToString() and/or printf, a watch point might be implemented by LiveEdit insertion of printf() for each variable and/or state.

Breakpoints are trivial therefore; they stop execution of all tasks under the current process except for the Debugger/Task instance which continues running under process control so that all other tasks can be monitored.

Implementations of some other fundamental functions such as Debugger/Continue(), Run(), Step() and Next() can be implemented using semantic information.

Backend Binary Generator

The backend binary and object generator uses the latest LLVM to convert a SemanticModel into an internal set of linkage/executable LLVM/Module*. These are either cached and/or written to disk as appropriate.

Programming Language Examples

Example 1: Hello World

The basic program (executable, script or REPL) is to print “Hello World”:

1function main(_ : String*)
3    printf("Hello World!\n")

This code can be made into an executable, shell script or typed interactively at a REPL:

bash$ ls -l /usr/local/bin .
-rwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /usr/local/bin/harth
lrwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /usr/local/bin/harth-compiler -> /usr/local/bin/harth
lrwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /usr/local/bin/hc -> /usr/local/bin/harth
-rw-r--r--  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 HelloWorld.ha
bash$ hc HelloWorld
bash$ ls -l .
-rwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 HelloWorld
bash$ ./HelloWorld
Hello World!\n

Notes for line 1:

  • function denotes that a function name, type and body will appear.
    • There is no container, it’s global scope.
    • This is suitable for binary, script and/or REPL.
    • The package and import are the defaults.
  • main takes only one argument, the String passed to the executable and/or script.
  • _ means variable value is unamed and never used. Essentially the arguments are ignored.
  • String* means a sequence of zero or more String, it’s like a bounded array, but has a abstract type of Sequence<String>. See Types.
  • main has no return type written, it is intuit from the block return type. See below.
  • main must have one of the following types, and must exist and be named at global scope:
    • (String*) -> Unit - arguments are passed as required, always exits success (unless abort()).
    • (String*) -> Int - arguments are passed as required, always exits success (unless abort() in whic case exits failure with error message).
    • () -> Unit - similar to above.
    • () -> Int - similar to above.

Notes for line 3:

  • The body is a block (BlockNode) which contains ExpressionNode* (in this case one expression).
  • Blocks always contain expressions. The type and value of the block is that of whatever is returned.
    • In this case printf() always returns the unit/identity/void value (of type Unit).
  • Thus the block only does something by side-effect.

Example 2: Hello World Script

A more correct and portable (to Linux, MacOS, Windows Cygwin) script should be in an executable file of any name.

#!/usr/bin/env hs
function main(_ : String*)
    printf("Hello World!\n")

The key addition is the POSIX magic #!/usr/bin/env hs which runs the script text through the hs (aka. harth-script) JIT script compiler and execution engine found on $PATH. The #! is always treated as a comment by Harth.

bash$ ls -l /usr/local/bin $HOME/bin
-rwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /usr/local/bin/harth
lrwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /usr/local/bin/harth-script -> /usr/local/bin/harth
lrwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /usr/local/bin/hs -> /usr/local/bin/harth
-rwxr-xr-x  1 harveyt  staff  1184 Nov 26 11:04 /Users/harveyt/bin/HelloWorld
bash$ HelloWorld
Hello World!


How to support Windows scripts portably?

Example 3: Hello World In REPL

printf("Hello World!\n")

At an interactive Harth shell (or REPL), one can simply execute any statement, expression or program. So the above will result in:

Harth> printf("Hello World!\n")
Hello World!\n

Example 4: The /Harth/Lang/Collection/Sequence class

harth 0.1
package /Harth/Lang/Collection
import /Harth/Lang/Core

 * A Sequence is an abstract finite stream of elements which can be counted, accessed by index.
 * New sequences can be created using Builder, Append(), Prepend() and similar functions.
 * Operations performance may vary from O(1) to O(n) or more. LinearSequence and IndexedSequence
 * provide tighter bounds on performance order.
 * Typically most classes should internally use concrete types such as List<T> or Array<T>, but
 * should return or accept Sequence<T> from methods for maximum usefulness.
class Sequence<out T> extends Stream<T>
    property ReverseIterator : Iterator<T>

    property Builder : Builder<T>

    property Size : Int32

    method Get(i : Int32) -> T%

    @abstract @covariant
    property First : T%

    @abstract @covariant
    property Rest : Sequence<T>%

    property Last : T%

    @abstract @covariant
    method MakeEmpty() -> Sequence<T>

    @abstract @covariant
    method Append(item : T) -> Sequence<T>

    @abstract @covariant
    method AppendAll(items : Iterable<T>) -> Sequence<T>

    @abstract @covariant
    method Prepend(item : T) -> Sequence<T>

    @abstract @covariant
    method PrependAll(items : Iterable<T>) -> Sequence<T>

    @abstract @covariant
    method Reverse() -> Sequence<T>

    @abstract @covariant
    method Drop(n : Int32) -> Sequence<T>%

Some things to note:

  • Most non-builtin keywords are attributes of the form @name.
  • A class can be generic in any number of types, with covariance and contravariance.
  • A class can extend any one other class (and/or zero or more types).
  • An @abstract attribute means this class only provides an interface (might turn info a type?)
  • The T% type means essentially “returns either the generic parameter type T or an Error.
  • Doxygen tags and comments are supported in some form.


  • Lack of semi-colons.
    • I think Rust or Julia or some other modern language gets this pretty close to correct, the semi-colon is essentially only needed to seperate expressions in a { a; b; } style block.
    • A newline outside of any expression, but in a block is semantically taken to mean virtual “semicolon”.
    • Blocks allow leading/trailing/multiple newlines (and thus semicolons) inside, they’re the equivalent of “an expression that doesn’t actually exist”.
  • Hey, where’s the body?

Example 4: The /Harth/Lang/Collection/BaseSequence class

harth 0.1
package /Harth/Lang/Collection
import /Harth/Lang/Core

 * BaseSequence provides basic implementation of Sequence using some concrete SeqT type.
 * Sub-classes are LinearSequence and IndexedSequence which provide different performance
 * properties for methods; for example Get() and Size() are O(n) and O(1) respectively.
 * Sub-classes must at minimum must provide:
 * - Iterator or ReverseIterator (the opposite has a default implementation)
 * - Builder
 * Default implementations are provided for all other operations, though these may have terrible
 * performance up to O(n^2). Sub-classes should really override with better performance
 * implementations were possible.
class BaseSequence<out T, out SeqT> extends Sequence<T>
    property Iterator : Iterator<T>
        get { return Reverse().ReverseIterator;}

    property ReverseIterator : Iterator<T>
        get { return Reverse().Iterator }

    property Size : Int32
            var s = 0
            for (_ in self)
            return s
    /* ... */
  • Note property and method overrides.
  • Note crazy generics: means derived classes can control return type.
    • Probably will change as type system improves?
    • Possibly more type inference too?
  • Syntax and semantics should always remain:
    • Flexible
    • Concise
    • Unabiguous.
  • Fortunately any decent editor running the full lexical to semantic analysis would be able to display lexical, semantic feed back, possibly on-the fly (highlighting) and provide errors and documentation as required.
    • See Emacs FlyCheck for an example of this working in other languages pretty well.
    • Emacs basically requires a very good text to reflection system underneath the hood. Languages such as Python and C# tend to provide this these days. Therefore Harth must and will, builtin, free, easy.


The TODO notes and some semi-colons have been removed from the source. Hey it's a prototype. Whatevers.



All the syntax and semantics discussed here are simplified, reality is likely to be more complex, different and changing.